About ArithmaKids:
ArithmaKids is a here to help you teach children mathematics. We believe that early mathematics is as important as early reading. Our straight-forward ideas and fun products can be included into a teacher’s curriculum or during a parent’s busy day. All our products are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). They create an opportunity for children make math in every-day part of their lives, such as linking finger patterns to counting how many stories before bedtime.
Fire Away with Finger Patterns™ encourages children to use a simple, yet powerful tool bring early counting into their daily routine. Parents and teachers of young children are always looking for a fun, interactive way to grab a child’s attention while learning a new, important skill. We want to change the way young children see numbers and begin building an important foundation in early counting. The patterns and quantification taught through finger patterns are essential to building advanced counting strategies that include addition, subtraction, and multiplication. These skills can be understood at a very early age and as research shows, should be included in teaching early counting strategies.
Once a child has knowledge and confidence with their numbers 1 to 10, they will naturally begin exploring numbers out of this range. Finger patterns can be used for counting forwards, backwards, adding and subtracting. In the past, children have been told to not use their fingers to help solve arithmetical thinking, but recent research shows that when children use their fingers to help solve problems, the finger patterns allowed children to perform 1 to 4 years above grade level.